4 Free Winter Tracing Worksheets

4 Free Winter Tracing Worksheets

My youngest daughter loves school. Like, loves school – so much so that it’s both endearing and I’m on edge at how long it will last! Now, if you follow my blog you’ll know that Annabelle has a speech delay. But regardless of those extra hurdles in her little life, she is absolutely smashing it in school. Her mental maths is amazing, her reading is a little slow, but she’s getting there and she loves a worksheet {even at home!}. 

However, Annabelle’s main issue when it comes to school is her handwriting. Now, I have to be honest, in hindsight – she is five! So it gets my back up a little when school’s put so much pressure to have these little ones write neatly or read at a certain stage at such a young age. 

So, Annabelle is one of those kids in her class – as I am sure she isn’t the only one – whose handwriting could be read from the surface of the moon.

At home, I am forever doing little activities to perfect her fine motor skills and to increase the muscles in her fingers – which all connect to those writing skills. In truth, her letter formations are fine, just, they are a bit massive! But nevertheless, I thought I would create a few of my own Winter tracing worksheets to help out when it comes to your child’s penmanship skills. 

They are just simple Winter themed, follow the line style worksheets. You can choose to download to reprint whenever you need it. Or, if you’re like me, print it, laminate it and use time & time again with a dry whiteboard pen.Help my child learn to write worksheet Learning to write worksheet Learning to write worksheet Learning to write worksheetI made the majority of these Winter tracing worksheets with straight lines as I thought, what goes with writing? But cutting skills! So I thought, once your child has done their lines, perhaps they can have a go at cutting along the lines, too. These all go towards strengthening those little fingers for any pre-writing skills. 

You can get your FREE Winter Tracing Worksheet printables here: 

Penguin Tracing Worksheet, Eskimo Tracing Worksheet, Winter clothes Tracing worksheet, Sea Lion tracing worksheet.

I do hope your child likes these tracing worksheets, they were lots of fun to make. I know my daughter enjoys doing them – however, the next step for her is to reduce the size of those letters. So on that note, stay tuned for my next worksheets, which will focus on keeping those letters in and on the lines! 

Are there any worksheets you would like to see here on the blog? 


Learning to write worksheet

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