How Often Should You Visit the Dentist?

How Often Should You Visit the Dentist?

For the mom who is a busy bee ferrying kids from one part of London to the other, taking care of her husband and home, and maybe has a job on top of all that – the last thing they will remember is going to the dentist regularly. But when the kids or you have a cavity or worse something painful – not going will be something you regret. That means you have to know how many times you need to go to the dentist and put it on your calendar. If you are looking for a dentist, Harley Street is where you want to go. Let’s talk about the amount you need to go to that dentist, shall we?

Why Regular Check-ups Matter

Having some pretty-looking pearly whites is great – but having them healthy as well as shiny is even better! And that is really the meat of the matter when it comes to regular dentist visits. Think of your dentist as a superhero for your smile. They’ll come in to save the day and catch any problems early. Early diagnosis can prevent more pain and money in the long run.

How Often Should You Go?

Twice a year – at least that is what the experts say. But wait, if you have certain oral health issues this number can go up or down. Here are a few things that may cause you to need to be your dentist’s favorite person (or not):

  • Overall health: certain conditions like diabetes can affect your teeth so more frequent appointments may be in order.
  • Oral hygiene: Do you take care of your teeth and by that we mean following the regular schedule of brushing, flossing plus eating all the right things? If you do then your dentist visits can go down.
  • Risk of oral problems: If you have a family history of cavities or if you’ve had gum disease, you may benefit from more frequent visits. Quite frankly it’s more convenient and cheaper to prevent a problem rather than fix one.

What Happens During a Dental Check-up?

Want to hear what happens during your regular check-up? Don’t worry, we’ll fill you in:

  • A Review Your History: Your dentist will check your medical and dental history.
  • It’s Check-up Time: They’ll check for cavities and signs of gum disease.
  • Glimmer and Glow: A nice polishing will remove tartar and plaque to make your teeth glisten.
  • X-ray Vision: Sometimes, X-rays are taken to uncover any hidden trouble areas.
  • A Talk With Your Dentist: You get to ask any questions you have about your oral health.

Regular Dentist Check-Ups Keep The Cavities Away

There you have it – some insight into how many times you should visit the dentist. You are sure to have a good-looking and healthy smile if you follow the helpful information in this guide!

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